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Hi, nice to meet you!

Thank you, for supporting my Thirty-One business!
I am a work-from-home mom to one set of 12-year old pigtails, and seven year-old twin boys! Where did THAT time go? 

I love hanging out with women around town, sharing a laugh and a night out!

After 10.5 years, I still love Thirty-One products! Seasonal updates are fun and great for gifting. I love packing for day trips and overnights now that I have awesome bags to take with us!

The new styles and patterns are AMAZING for you, your home, and your family! Stay organized and give everything a stylish home.

Drop me a line with any questions, and we can set you up with a shopping link to share with friends.

Better still, join our team as a consultant - it'll be the best money you ever spend!!


Elizabeth Holohan

Executive Director