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Hi, nice to meet you!

Welcome to my Thirty-One webpage!! Here's a little bit about me. I'm a mom of two awesome kiddos, Tyler and Karlee. I am also a full-time teacher on a Hutterite colony so I teach in a one room school house Little House on the Prairie style. 

My journey with Thirty-One started on February 10th, 2015 when after a 3.5 year wait Thirty-One finally opened in Alberta. The timing for me was a double-edged sword because after suffering a stroke on New Year's Day 2015, my husband Trevor had already been in the hospital for 6 weeks and was going to be there for at least another 6 weeks. Therefore, I was very busy taking care of the kiddos and going to the hospital every day to be Trevor's encouragement. On the other hand, I needed both time for myself and a way to replace his lost income and Thirty-One gifts provided me with the opportunity to do both.  Since he had lost use of his right side completely, I knew it would be a long time before he'd be able to work again. Sure enough over a year later (as I write this) Trevor is just starting to be able to work a few short hours at a time. Thirty-One has allowed me to replace his income and treat our family to some great extras. Plus we've been able to travel to places we never would've gone without this opportunity. Finally, I've met new amazing friends who are there for me whenever I need them. When I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer on February, 18, 2016, I found out just how amazing the Thirty-One sisterhood is as they sat with me and promised to walk through the journey with me. They have supported me with love and friendships that I will never forget. I truly can't thank Cindy Monroe enough for her vision of empowering women with her amazing company. 

Tanya Law

Senior Consultant